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Monday 26 November 2018

Analysing newspapers

The mastered shows us that it is a news article by The Mirror. It is a left wing newspaper, which gives us an idea of where their opinions are coming from and what their biases are. The plug is about the Croydon tram accident. The main image is iconography of the Statue of Liberty, but instead of standing tall and proud with her torch, is hiding her face in shame. She represents freedom and liberty, so the imagery here is that those ideologies have failed. The dark clouds in the background show that there is more darkness yet to come as a result of this. The red sea could represent the potential deaths to be caused during Trump's presidency as a result of his bigotry. This shows the mood of the story. You can tell it is a very important story due to how much of the page is taken up by it. Other than the plug and newspaper title, the whole front cover is dedicated to the story of Trump's election.

The audience are persuaded to buy the newspaper by the use of imagery with the defeated looking Lady Liberty and the foreboding shadows in the distance. As well as that, the use of red and black gives it a very ominous look that draws people in, as people always want to know what has gone wrong. Negative stories draw people in more than positive stories, so by making it clear even from a distance that the newspaper is not presenting an upbeat story, they have guaranteed the attention of a larger audience than they might usually have.

The top title is "It's president Trump...". The ellipsis shows a level of disbelief and disapproval.

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